Misrey Swifthell [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/321/d/3/dark_elf_mage___concept_2_by_arsinoes-d507sd8.jpg[/img] 19 Years Old (Has been been dead for 5 years) ~ Shadowess/Spirit Known as the Graveyard Teenager or The Roaming Phantom. Parents: Unknown Skills: Skilled fighter~swords, knives,also trained in combat. Hunting/Protection skills. Knows how to survive in the wilderness e.g. finding shelter food, etc. Powers: Controls/Light and Darkness around her. Floats/Hovers above ground. Invisibility when she merges with the shadows. Life energy-Darkness/Shadows give her a life energy, so she can look like a human instead of a spirit. Temporary possessions off a mortal. Uses her shadow to protect/shield those in danger. New Abilities Given to her By Khel's Spell: - with a flick of her hand she can throw numerous shadowy darts. - She can make a light source 'shrink' making bigger shadows and a real haunting experience - She can animate someone shadow and have the shadow attack it's owner - She can mold shade into anything she wants... making new weapons or armor for herself - She can bend shadows - She can create a smoke cloud that causes shade - She gets way stronger and quicker in the shade or darkness - She can cast a silence spell - She can shapechange as long as she stands in a shadow or darkness - She can meddle with real world objects by meddling with their shadow - She has a potent darkness spell that only lasts for seconds but can really save her if she's in trouble. Personality: As a Human Misrey was somewhat reserved and kept to herself. There had been many things that scared the young woman. It was not easy to open up the people around her, as she wasn’t sure who to trust. But the complicated world around her, ultimately made the young girl stronger and tougher; which resulted in her hunting and fighting skills. It was her own way of self preservation and protection from her enemies. Deep down, she was a loving girl and longed for someone to understand her and her emotions. At times, she was capable of being blunt and cold if someone had angered her. Now as a Shadowess/Spirit, she has become numb to most emotions including love and affection. Her death has stripped that away, making her colder and more withdrawn than she has ever been. But it doesn’t stop her from feeling protective over certain people, when a situation demands it. She has been known to be stubborn, both in her human days and even as a ShadowSpirit. Bio: Originally born as Aseara Misrey Blackthorn, preferring to go by Misrey. She never knew her father. On top of that Her mother was a drunk, and the man she was with as abusive. He lashed out against her mother and even at her from a young age; The scars, hits and yelling had left her emotionally and physically scared.She had learned to keep quite for the first few years, suffering in silence. It was one of the things that made her withdrawn from society, and people; keeping to herself was what she knew. When she reached the age of 15, she had enough. After defending herself for the first time and a raging row with her mother and her abusive partner, she run from her home village. She was left to fend for herself, after somewhat being banished from her ‘home’. She did not look back; nor did she want go back. For months, she traveled through the woods, the deserts, near oceans surviving in the wilderness on her own, Until one day she stumbled into a coven of highly trained assassins; they took her under their wing for about a year and a half and taught her everything she needed to know about weapons, and combat.The more skills she attained, and learned the more lethal she was. It helped her survive and made her stronger on the inside. When they finally parted, she went her own way traveling the world and surviving the best ways she knew how. Days before her 17th birthday, the troubled teenager met a Demon lord by the name of Khelekgundhal, at the time he was going by the name of Ronan Swifthell. He was the first person that she opened up to about her troubled past and she found some comfort in their forming friendship. It was not long before, their feelings of friendship turned into something more whilst helping each other; they fell in love and Misrey became Khel’s wife. They had been rather happy together and deeply in love, dreaming of what the future could hold for them. Misrey had finally found her happiness; but their happiness did not last long. On the eve of her 19th birthday, an enemy of Khel drowned Misrey in a lake after overpowering the mortal woman, not even her skills and tactics could defeat her lovers enemy. One of the favorites places the lovers had. When Khel tried to save Misrey, it was too late; his young wife had died. But the ShadowMaster, one of Khel’s allies took his wife’s soul and turned her into a ShadowSpirit that roams the Shadow World- Misrey’s shadow was made for one purpose. To serve and protect her husband...Misrey never knew the reason why that was, as her new master never told her anything and with her death, any memory and love she had for Khel died with her. Like any Shadow, she lived the last 5 years in the Shadow Realm, preferring the darkness over light. She is rather well trained and will be loyal to those who she serves and protects. [img]http://jessicakristie.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/drowning.jpg[/img] Side note: This character is only for me and [@drpepper]