Belle gave a slight smile to Javotte as she said perhaps she would go to the village and search. After all she didn’t know this woman, perhaps she was lying about her sister. Or perhaps she was like the others, quick to judge and slow to forgive. I thought entered her mind that maybe she should inform her of the things that would be said about Adam now, pled his case to the new stranger before she went to the village and heard what she likely would. However, before she could, Javotte started speaking again and she took it as a sigh she should not. [color=Crimson]“Not many, no. Often times people get lost in the forest because of the storms, and Adam gives them food and shelter. Then I see them back in the morning.”[/color] She said truthfully noticing the somewhat tenseness of her body and how slow her words were as she asked that question. [color=Crimson]“Lately there is only one person that hasn’t come home, but it has been years since this time.”[/color] She answered sadly before turning her attention to her food instead of going much farther into her answer. [color=Crimson]“I must ask though, if you are not from the village or city, why is it that you believe she is here?”[/color] Belle asked after thinking about it for a moment, before then it hadn’t been much thought to her, someone looking for their sister seemed so simple that she had no real reason to question it. However, if she was from the city she would have known that no one really disappeared without returning home.