Greg's head snapped up. He put his hands over his ears, wincing, as three voices filled his head all at once, screaming louder than any others. He bristled with fury, the word [color=ed1c24][i]freak[/i][/color] burned into his brain. He brimmed with anger, violence, and then fear, indignation, someone was trying to calm things down - Greg let out a breath, gasping. Someone was on the ground, pinned to the ground, the word they hated being shouted into their ear. [color=ed1c24]Impotence, anger, frustration... [/color] A fourth voice entered the uproar, quieter at first and growing louder. Greg recognized this one as the scared boy, out of his element. Casper. [color=ed1c24][i]Have to help, friend facedown, crushed for his kindness, not to choose is a choice.[/i] [/color] Greg ground his teeth as the impact filled the ground. Someone had gotten tossed. Greg breathed, in and out, forcing his heartrate to calm. He looked down at the half-eaten sandwich sitting on a plate on his new bedside table, his appetite drained. The first three voices faded back to join the usual tumult, but the fourth remained, only growing louder if anything. [color=ed1c24][i]Not strong enough for strength, harmed, hurt, hit, judge, jury, and executioner, undeserving.[/i][/color] The voice carried on in that self-flagellating manner. Despite his best efforts, Greg began to gain a modicum of understanding for the boy, so long had the voice been present. That was unusual - it generally took him at least a few days before his 'regulars' started telling him more about themselves. His name was Casper. He was strong, stronger than he thought he should be. He was terribly frightened, and terribly alone, and terribly... terribly... close. In a daze, Greg stepped out of his room, forgetting to lock it behind him. He walked down the hall, his eyes opening and closing and not really seeing anything. [color=ed1c24][i]what if he's not there what if he's scared of me what if he doesn't want me what if they don't like me[/i][/color] There he was, just down the hall. Greg slumped against a wall as the boy knocked on the door in front of him a few times. "He's not in," Greg called out after the third or fourth knock. "He's not in, and you were very brave and very strong and did a very good thing and just please, please [color=ed1c24][i][b]QUIET DOWN[/b][/i][/color]."