[h2]The Operation[/h2] Today's the day. You and your fellow agents are about to take on a new threat. There have been whisperings going around Cornwall that a local group of thugs are about to take over the city and spread their influence throughout the greater UK. They supposedly have active cells in all major cities, but are planning to start with the smaller surrounding cities to gain influence. The heist of the city is supposed to be tonight, so the pieces are falling into place. The plan for stopping it is simple: -[color=orange]Operation Codename - Surprise[/color]: They have a warehouse keeping all the weapons they're planning to use. Jack Turpin will slip in and plant explosives. Wise Owl and Patch will accompany if any of the guards need some help sleeping (drugs. Lots of drugs) -[color=orange]Operation Codename - Behind Closed Doors[/color]They're working out of a flower shop at 275 Main Street. Condor and Birdseed will come in and distract anyone guarding 'restricted' areas. Kheshig, who will be wearing a 'borrowed' electrician's outfit, will disable any video from recording his presence and plant listening bugs in their backroom base of operations, and any hacking he deems necessary, claiming to be upgrading their software if needed. Kheshig has on his PDA a satellite readout of the shop. One-story, four-room place, so finding a room with possible plans, munitions, or possibly a heavily encrypted computer won't be difficult. - Angelo Ortega will be the handler for Operation Surprise and keeping an eye, and ear, out for the audio bugs Kheshig will be planting. This is obviously just to stop the operation in your area, but it's a start. Other cities have been dropped a 'reliable anonymous tip', via local government contacts collectively from the group, just in case stopping this first city-takeover doesn't stop them from taking over other cities. The premise of this mission is to purely collect as much information about this "thug group" as possible and put a stop to their taking over of other cities. Primary objective is information collecting, so everyone has been alerted to keep eyes and ears out for information on these guys. All techies should be mining for data and all sneakers should be alert for documents to download. Everyone has thier mission to focus on and will be heading out at 15:21 GMT.