[color=yellow][b][i]Yeah, I thought it was Kyra as well...[/i][/b][/color] Eric thought as he looked back at the man with red hair. The group of people he was standing behind didn't bat an eyelash at him as they left out the same way he came inside. Then a girl who sported black hair with the ends dyed a blonde color approached him she attempted at placing her arm around his shoulders, but that wasn't happening, since she was rather, a bit short for that at Eric's height, so she just merely jabbed him in the arm "Welcome to hell, you're just in time," the girl smirked at him, which was a little off putting if this was the ideal place for hell to be. "I'm Gwen, the weird man with the dragon is Phil, the pretty girl with the vines is Serena, the kid who looks like he wants to go home is Jason, the dude with the British look and glasses is John, the red-head is Ethan, I don't know who that quiet guy over there is (Nick), and that jerk is apparently Gary," she explained. Then she took a deep breath, "So, who are you?" [color=yellow][b][i]Ok, then... Glad to know I'm not the only odd ball here.[/i][/b][/color] As he was about to explain who he was, the man named Phil beat him to the punch. "I know you are confused but if you had a vision recently and have had a type of control over an element, then I can explain everything. Just follow us, I'll explain along the way. If you are just an unlucky bystander who just walked in on this... Your Dreaming," Phil had explained to him. Eric let a small grin show [b]"Trust me if I was in a dream I would've thought I of a better place then this,"[/b] he lifted his wrist up waving slightly at the group. [b]"The name if Eric and yes I'd like to know exactly why I was told to come here,"[/b] he said putting his hand inside his pocket and the other holding onto his bag. As much as his paranoia told him to turn tail and haul ass back to anywhere but here, he couldn't leave. Not just yet, and this was his best opportunity to find the answers he needed.