Arathyra looked around nervously, well from what she could see from back here it looked like they were winning, and that it was very loud. If they were winning though that was good. So many noises, the crash of metal on metal, the loud thwang of bowstrings, even the crackling of magic in the air. Her gaze happened to alight upon an archer who looked like he was in pain, although there were no wounds that she could she see. Never the less she rushed over to him her face full of concern, "Oh dear, are you alright?" she asked worriedly, her stave at the ready, so far everyone else was doing remarkably well for being in a pitched battle. The only other one in their group that had taken a hit was Griswal and his armor made the damage minimal, she would still run over to him next and take away what pain she could.[@Harbringer]