Condor pouted her lips as she ran the lipstick over them, applying one last coat before puckering up and blowing a kiss to her compact mirror. Dropping the makeup into the small clutch purse she quickly checked the small pistol was still nestled inside. It was risky to carry a firearm in Britain since only the military and special police units were authorised to, but she was more willing to face a police fine than be left unarmed. [color=7ea7d8]"Y'know, I feel naked dressed like this,"[/color] She said, slipping her hands inside her lowcut top to reposition her breasts into a slightly more revealing display, [color=7ea7d8]"You sure we couldn't just raid the place and grab what we need?"[/color] Her throat rumbled in an unfamiliar way as Condor felt the vocal patch on her neck masking her familiar southern drawl with an almost Scottish brogue. It wouldn't be enough to pass a detailed analysis, but for the quick distraction job the disguised patch should be enough to keep anyone guessing. [hider='Streetwear' Condor][center][img][/img][/center][/hider] Stealth work wasn't really Condor's strong point, she was far more used to simple smash and grab jobs, but she had to admit the outfits they'd procured for her certainly looked good. As she ran her hands down her sides, easing out the creases and admiring herself in the full-length mirror she began to wonder exactly who had managed to size her up so perfectly. The snug, tight pants fitted her ass like a glove... or a well-tailored pair of pants at least, and that was a sure sign that someone had been paying her some uncomfortably close attention.