[hr][h1][color=firebrick]Titus MacArthur[/color][/h1][hr] As Titus struck, he felt a massive wave of heat wash over him. It stung at his eyes and burned at his lips, finer areas of skin. He felt a few hairs of his beard catch fire. Then the monster rose, taller than even he and awash with flame. It was absolutely terrifying, its black rock skin rippling with fire and its eyes full of hatred. Titus was completely powerless as it struck him right in the stomach with full force. He screamed as he felt himself lifted off through the air. He screamed. Titus was catapulted across the room in an explosion of heat. He burned like a meteor as he sailed through the air and crashed into the wall on the opposite side of the room. His impact sent dust flying up from the wall, and the metal dented severely. He had landed on his back spreadeagle. His skin and clothing was still burning and the hair of his beard was singed black. Second and third-degree burns covered his body; his face, his arms, his shoulders, his chest, even the inside of his lungs had been burned. In his gut was a gaping hole five inches across, the inner contents still burning. The impact had cracked a few of his vertebrae. He was completely unconscious, limp as a rag; any sane man would have pronounced him dead on the spot. A crowd of people began to gather around the crater in the metal wall. Titus gasped for breath painfully, his eyes still rolled back in his head. The Invincible Man was dying. "Someone get a teacher!" a random voice in the crowd called out.