Groor plummeted several feet unto a suspended safety net. Groor grunted his disapproval. "[i]Weak pathetic whelps! They have deprived themselves of the glory and splendor of Groors great feats!'[/i] Groor thought to himself. "[i]Foolish humans! They have become instruments in Groor's great plan! The greatest warriors of the galaxy are housed here from many new and strong species! The human race has made Groors great hunt for glory much easier!"[/i] Of course this was a self deception on Groor's plan to sate his ego. He come to this prison by no means on his own. As Groor prepared to spring up he heard yet another human voice call to him. He leaped to his feet and studied the man as judging his position and strength. [i]"Human but not one of the guards also not very strong looking. His death would bring little glory to Groor!"[/i] Groor replied "[color=a36209]Hah! The invincible Groor could fall from a thousand higher hights then that! Who are you to be brave enough to approach such a mighty warrior?"[/color]