Birdseed smiled at Condor's remarks. [color=F26EFB]"Well, it's the risk that comes with the job. We can't just barge in, guns blazing, without cops showing up, and none of us are exactly welcome to our governments if we were to be arrested. So, best option is to distract anyone guarding places with authorized access and let Kheshig handle the placement. Oh, and how's your vocal patch working? Sorry if it feels weird, we only finished making it the other day. Figured native accents would fare better."[/color] Birdseed felt her voice almost tingle. Her own voice patch was set to replicate an accent of those who live in the Devon/Cornwall area. While her own chest size paled in comparison to Condor's, Birdseed had put on a pencil dress to show off her thin frame and accent her hips, since they aren't as prominent as most. A drawback from swimming: a straighter frame; however, a plus is that she's very muscular within such an almost frail-looking frame. Having decided to use the opposite approach from Condor at base, Birdseed applied minimal makeup and a single coat of natural-shaded lipstick, to cover their bases in case the guardsman prefers one or the other. [color=F26EFB]"Besides, we finally get a chance to act ladylike. Okay, at least I do. I'm not sure how often you get to go around in dress, but I hardly ever get a chance on a mission to act attractive. Usually I'm the one placing charges or bugs, and the outfits that accompany those jobs aren't nearly as flattering. We also don't have any information on this gang's plans for tonight. Or where they're planning to attack. We'll be relieving them of their munitions, thanks to Jack, and keeping ears out for whenever they do decide to move out."[/color] Checking that her own pistol is holstered in her purse, along with a few helpful devices, Birdseed closes up her purse and radios in to Angelo. [color=F26EFB]"We're about twenty clicks out from our target. Testing connection. Hear me, Angelo?"[/color]