[center][hider=Image][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/178/0/b/fairy_by_telthona-d551a6f.jpg[/img][/hider] [h1]SCORPIA[/h1] Faeries, who stand at an average of three inches tall, are small, armless humanoids with magical abilities including telepathy, telekinesis and blasts of energy. Imperator Scorpia was once a defender of the Skenandoa; a tribe of rogue fae-folk that were shunned from the lush faery city of Lesharo by the other tribes. With their exile forcing them to inhabit less bountiful environments, the Skenandoa adapted at a magically-accelerated rate in order to survive in the harsh climates of the bogs they now dwelled in. Their skin grew tough and spiny, and they developed an ability to survive without a respiratory system, as breathing the thick smog of the swamps proved detrimental to their health over time. Unlike their vegetarian kin, they developed a taste for flesh through necessity, feasting on what little life the swamp could habilitate. Their lives were a far cry from their idyllic roots in the Lesharo, but they survived. That is, until the War of Supremacy, when their entire colony was wiped out by human hunters. Despite their combative magical skills, the defenders lead by Imperator Scorpia were no match for the comparatively huge humans. Scorpia was the only known survivor, and after roaming the world aimlessly for some years, she was offered sanctuary by the Engineers. [/center]