Angelo started to work his magic as birdseed asked for info on their guard in the flower shop making sure to check the camera then used facial recognition software to check and see the person and after a few moments Angelo called in [color=green] well I got some good news for you birdseed this is a woman who is currently on guard however from her history of previous "parties" this woman swings for both teams. chose your backstory at your own discretion however I do want to point out that this woman is a repeated sex offender. Apparently in the United states she was sued for sexual harassment by trying to rape her partner who this time was another woman. So I would advice caution in dealing with her unless you want to play the innocent routine and get her to take you on[/color] Angelo told her surprised that someone like this was a guard to even begin with but Angelo was going to enjoy watching this one, three chicks that want to go at each other. Angelo started to record this for later...