I have sent everyone a PM (or more!) We are in good shape people! I added this to the ooc page. I'll post it here also for clarity. It is about power levels. I am sorry for not clarifying myself in the original OOC. I want to play with a balanced party! Some of the party are going to be normal humans... so this is the scale we are *starting* with. We will get to larger scale as we go! I promise! [hider] **A quick note on 'power levels'** Authored by Jdh97 Co-GM Extraordinaire. A few things added by Eyeris. To avoid unfair impact upon the game and the possible derailing of this plot and character driven role-play game, it is respectfully requested that you keep the strength of your character low. What does this mean? - Your character should not be able actively seek conflict without fear of reprimand or consequence/ We do not want to kill characters off prematurely, but that doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen to those who leave no other option. - Your character should not have powers or a power set that allow you to directly manipulate the actions and other PCs and NPCs. Powers such as mind-reading may people allowed, but exactly what can be discovered from this would be decided between the players involved and our lovely GM. - Weaknesses should be more exploitable with stronger characters, at least at the start of the game. - Weaknesses should be weaknesses. Something an average human could use against your character. - Many of the characters are normal humans. This is the scale we are working with. - Don't worry! Your character will 'level up' as the game goes and you may learn new powers and abilities! But we are starting from the beginning of a story! We should be playing appropriate characters for that! [/hider] Does that make sense? Any questions?