Soreth almost jumped when Wrenna opened the door, not having expected her to leave the room. He looked around the area as frantically as he could at the moment, though he could see no one else around. "Careful! There's no telling who could just show up!" Since there was no immediate danger, though, he just sighed and returned his focus to the question. "Not as much as I'd like to... The guy is human, that much is true. There are two others of species we have yet to confirm, but we kind of doubt the entire group was made up of humans at this point...Can I lie down? I might not get much of a choice in a minute." Even though he had asked first, he had already started moving toward the door to open it, not forgetting his earlier goal. "Ah...I guess he was part of that weird what's-it-called... It's not a cult, it's more like... Well, I might have called it a cult earlier, but that's probably not accurate..."