[hr][h1][i][color=f26522]Diego Julius Bellsquez[/color][/i][/h1][sub][i]... And his wonderful demon.[/i][/sub][hr] Diego stood there. Dead eyed. Jaw dropped. He watched what Agni had done. In the span of a second, Titus was flying across the room. Landing on his back, covered in flames. Leaving a crater done in the metal wall. Tears had begun to flow down Diego's cheeks. Agni faded into flames, and funneled into Diego's body like he was sucked in. Remorseless. All sound turned into indistinguishable sound. He just stood there like a statue. Staring at what happened. Lupe had ran up to him, and started shouting something at him. He didn't listen to a thing. Because right now his worst fear had been realized. Today was the day that the world was going to hate Diego Bellasquez. [color=a0410d][i]... Was it [b]me[/b]? Hahahahaha....[/i][/color] Agni taunted. [color=f26522][i]You...[/i][/color] Diego replied. [color=f26522][i]Why did you do this?! I had everything under control! Y-you ruined it![/i][/color] [color=a0410d][i]I[/i] saved [i]you the embarrassment of losing to that fool... Besides... look around you.[/i][/color] On cue, Diego rotated his head and scanned the room. The people in the room were looking at either the wounded Titus, or [i]him[/i]. They whispered their rumors. The very rumors that would surely tear Diego down. [color=a0410d][i]They now know what true ferocity looks like... our hatred that is just ready to be directed at them. What happened to Titus was simply a message you were too cowardly to send.[/i][/color] [color=f7941d][i]It was a message I never[/i] wanted [i]to send. I... just want people to forgive me.[/i][/color] [color=a0410d][i]Look deep inside yourself, boy, and ask yourself; are you sure?[/i][/color] That question... It just confused him even further. Is there some part of him that [i]wants[/i] to do this? [hr][h1][i][color=ec008c]Lupe Ellie Bellasquez[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Maxx][@He Who Walks Behind][/sub][hr] The spectacle that Lupe witnessed made her jaw absolutely drop. Whatever that thing - [color=ec008c][i]It looks like I'm staring directly at el diabo himself...[/i][/color] - was, it punched the living daylights out of Titus, and sent him flying across the room until he slammed into a wall. The sound of his body hitting the wall almost made Lupe panic. Her eyes shot wide open. [color=ec008c][i]Is he... is he dead? Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.[/i][/color] Whatever just happened, Diego took it [i]way[/i] too far. Almost on reflex, she hopped up to her feet, shouting, [color=ec008c]"Shit!"[/color]. She ran over to the scene - first to Titus. Her various pieces of jewelry jiggled the whole way there. She came to a skidding stop over Titus, and dear god, it wasn't looking good. Wha-whatever just hit him did a number on him. Lupe took a good look at him. He was covered in burns, and there was a fucking [i]hole[/i] in his gut. Along with plenty of broken bones that Lupe could tell from even here. Diego did a number on Titus - and it pissed Lupe off [i]so[/i] much that she couldn't help him. Fuck. She wished that she had some way to absorb heat or something. Someone shouted to get a teacher. Aw, fuck! That means Diego is definitely going to spend a little while in the slammer for this. Lupe looked around. There was no doubt about it now. Lupe knew that they would judge him for his appearance... He just looks like the violent person who'd do this. Adding on the fact that he's Spanish, the odds were so against him. He was just standing there, deadeyed. Like, Lupe knew that he felt bad for what happened... But that just further convinced her he had a hand in it all. Lupe ran over to Diego, and started screaming at him, [color=ec008c]"What the [i]fuck[/i] was that thing?! Do you control him? Did you... did [i]you[/i] do this to him?!"[/color] Yet... He didn't reply, or even move.... [hr][h1][i][color=8dc73f]Fiona Barrett[/color] & [color=007236]Michelle Gallus[/color] [/i][/h1][sub][@TaliPaendrag][@Wintergrey][/sub][hr] [color=limegreen]”I’ll go with you. Astrid can teleport to the top of the wall and help Fiona look for another entrance from up there.”[/color] [color=007236]"Glad to have ya' on board."[/color] Michelle said to Beth with a smile. To be frank, she had expected Beth to come along. And that was pretty much all she needed. She noted that Beth seemed a bit... tired out, from their trek. Going off her cute little pants for breath. Michelle smirked. This was pretty much trivial for her. She probably should have gave Beth a piggy back ride. [color=007236]"Let's get a move on, then."[/color] Michelle said, walking towards the massive walls of the ruins. She was quick to leave before anyone else showed up and... extra editions weren't necessary. With Michelle's bestial senses, and Beth's electrokinesis. [color=8dc73f]"Oh... Good plan!"[/color] Fiona said to Beth, as they left. Quickly waving goodbye to them so fast that it looked awkward with her exoskeleton. Okay, so, Beth said that Fiona should climb up the walls and look for a way in... With that girl she barely knew, who was apparently called Astrid. Fiona turned towards Astrid. A normal looking girl with red hair. Was pretty... And Fiona realized that she was staring at her. She looked from the left, to the right. [color=8dc73f]"... Oh, um, hi! I'm [i]Fiona![/i]"[/color] Fiona said, attempting to rebound from that. [color=8dc73f]"You're Astrid, right? Think you can show me that teleportation trick of yours?"[/color] After she finished talking, Fiona reached back to the bush and pulled off some leaves. She put them in between her mandibles, and began chewing them. Her mandibles cut them up into smaller, chewable, pieces. Walking around the Wall was... uneventful and tedious. Making Michelle wish they had just elect cricket girl, or teleporting chick, to do it. Though, it did have it's pay off. The two circled around to what appeared to be the front of the Ruins. Inside the walls were two massive metal doors that had to be twenty feet high. Decrepit like the rest of this spooky ruins, they weren't properly hinged anymore. Michelle walked up to the walls, and put her hands on her hips as she looked up at it. She smirked, and turned to Beth, asking, [color=007236]"... Think you can open it?"[/color]