Suki was just about to leave the common room, due to some loud mouth player seeming to be acting drunk even though she was sure that you couldn't get drunk in the game, when the PM appeared from Ritako. She read it, and sighed softly. She probably would have done the same thing, but she couldn't help but think that that was a bad start to this whole surviving thing. She sighed heavily, looking at the table, but looked up as Umichi joined her. She gave him a smile, hoping to appear cheerful, but let it die as he mentioned the message from Ritaka. [color=bc8dbf]"I did"[/color] she said softly, [color=bc8dbf]"I guess there's nothing we can do about it. But there's more quests in the guide book, and I think there has to be more, triggered by certain requirements or something"[/color] She said, seemingly shocked at the question about still partying together [color=bc8dbf]"Why wouldn't I want to?"[/color] She said, with some shock, accepting the party request, [color=bc8dbf]"There's still safety in numbers, right?"[/color] She smiled again, [color=bc8dbf]"I saw Aikoto last night, and sent him to bed. He's probably still asleep. He seemed troubled last night. I hoped my words helped him"[/color] she looked up the stairs, but didn't see Aikoto, so she looked back to Umichi. She suddenly realised that all social norms had pretty much been...striped away here. They could create their own society, and with a shocking leap, she wondered if that was the end game here. Trapping them here, seeing what they did as humans? It seemed too far fetched, and yet...possible. She shook her head, pushing those thoughts to the back of her head. She smiled, suddenly shy at her own thoughts. [color=bc8dbf]"um. There's a nice bakery just down the road. We could probably get some sweet buns or something, instead of waiting for breakfast here"[/color] She looked around the inn, seeing the unrurly player. As she watched him, she realised he was probably just trying to cope, and didn't appear to have any one with him. [color=bc8dbf]"Hang on"[/color] she said suddenly, rising and acting on impulse she went over to the guy. [color=bc8dbf]"Excuse me? Would you like to join us? We just lost a member, and you seem to need team mates"[/color]