Okay, so right now I'm working with my DnD RP, but as thats going to move over to Skype and such like, I figured Id start a nice little RP purely on the site. I will however be using the same map ( I like it, ok? ) This RP is D&D based fantasy , magic & monsters etc. Available races: Human Dwarf Mountain dwarf Elf High elf Wood elf Drow (Dark Elf) Orc Half-Orc Tielfing Dragonborn Gnome Forest Gnome Halfing General classes and roles: Barbarian Mercenary Assassin Bard Entertainer Labourer Smith Soldier Noble Mage Sorcerer Necromancer Rogue Theif Cleric Priest Paladin Gang member Ranger Druid Hermit Acolyte Guardmen Veteran of war Travelling merchant Sailor ( Please ask my permission if you wish to use any role/class not listed) Classes and roles are realistic in the sense that, for example, the average labourer will not own an abundance of money, but will be strong and healthy. They may not know any spells, but they can swinga woodaxe with ease. They may not have ties with rich men like a noble would, but unlike the noble they will be liked within the lower classes and have many loyal friends. Be realistic with equipment/clothes/spells as well as with the money to your name. A merchant may be rich and have fine clothes, but has no knowledge of the arcane arts. Whereas a priest wearing traditional and practical as well as having given all their money to charity could be a masterful healer. Lastly do not get too attached to your characters and do not push an OP character because I will probably deny it. I say do not get attached as your characters are not invincible, they can be killed if you jump into a fight and they will be burnt to cinders if you charge them headlong at a dragon with nothing but a sword and chainmail to their name. The beauty is you can just start up another character. This makes the RP progressional and allows events to effect future play. Please Submit a character in the character Tab if your interested using the following: Name: Age: Race: Class/role: Equipment/clothes/spells: Money to your name: Brief history: Description and/or picture: Any other info: All characters can start in different areas on the map, but it is recommended to start atleast in Gerwidd, preferably in Seylvale. Seylvale is the smallest of Gerwidds cities with only around 7400 living within its walls. Gerwiid is a human kingdom but welcomes all races (although orcs and drow are sometimes frowned upon at times). Other than this you are free to develop the world as you wish, but be reasonable with it. Characters can kill characters, just PM the character owned if you think the two should engange in a duel etc. then come to me with the details before posting the events. Be casual about letting something happen to your character, try to think of them as one of many, while they are of course special to you, they may not be in consideration with the entire kingdom.