[@Forsythe] FD Trigati: Why was everyone giggling? All she did was say a name. What was so funny about that? And Astra seemed embarrassed. Maybe it was because she mispronounced it? Was that really worthy of giggles and humiliation? Innes frowned. What a strange people this lot were. Though she had worried about giving off the wrong impression when she touched the creature's hand, since Astra - was that really its name? - seemed to take it in good faith she wasn't too worried about that anymore. It certainly never crossed her mind that merely saying a name could insinuate that she had romantic feelings for the being. When the Faira pulled out the clip, she didn't know what to think. What was it? It looked like a normal hair clip if she wasn't mistaken, but why would these things need it? They didn't have hair, they had... [i]things[/i] in their head. Nonetheless, it said something in it's tongue, which she assumed was the word for hairclip, and reached for her head. Innes panicked inside - did she not have a choice? - but stayed calm outside so as not to appear rude. Actually, it felt kind of nice. Astra was gentle and seemed to be taking care not to hurt her. Back home, stroking someone's hair was a sign of affection. So did this mean the alien, despite Innes' funny words and strange mannerisms, take a liking to her? That was good - it would make anything that came afterwards that little bit easier. But what could she give in return? If it had given her a present, it was only courteous to give it one back. But she had nothing - jumpsuits didn't come with pockets. All she had was her clothes, her new clip and herself. She wasn't giving her the clothes and to return the gift would seem rude. If she went back to the ship, that would also seem rude. A gesture, perhaps, or at least something to show she was thankful? Perfect! She had an idea. The alien had said something into something, and they just seemed to be waiting. So, Innes being Innes, she reached out and gave the creature a hug, whispering "Thank you" as she did. There - she received a gift and now she had given one back. Nothing to it. Wait - was that the right thing to do? She didn't want to lead the poor creature on, she just wanted to show that she appreciated the present. What if she took that as a romantic sentiment? What if the gift was a romantic sentiment? Innes had a lot of question she wanted to ask. Soon, another of the aliens had brought something that looked a lot like the creature's tendrils. Innes stared in fascination. What was it? Another present? Astra put one on her own head, then another on Innes. The buzzing headache she had only worsened. What wa it? A disabler? A thought transmitter? Maybe it was some kind of mind-control device! Once the thought was in her head, it wouldn't leave. Innes closed her eyes (a rare occurrence by any means) and waited for her thoughts to slip away, replaced by monotonous, irresistible instructions that she would be unable to disobey. Of course, that didn't happen, so when she opened her eyes again, the Faira had moved away. Innes stood still for a moment, but then the creature extended its arm to go towards the door. It wanted her to go through. "Where are you taking me?" she whispered, unsure whether to obey or not