Mirai walked into the empty tavern, bathing in the hearths warm glow as he passed under the door frame, heading for his table in the far corner. He had been coming to The Broken Drum since his apprentice years, even now after passing into the masters guild, the Tavern was still his home from home after the long hours in the field; on the occassional day he had time to visit. Almost tripping over Hilda as she scurried around, he greeted her with a nod, plucking a sliver of food from her shoulder as she passed and burning it in his hands. Passing by the centre table, Mirai was reminded of the previous nights patrons, and there fondness of axes. Settling back into his chair, leaning his staff against the wall and lifting his feet up onto the table - Mirai picked through his pocket to find 2 silver peices. Putting one on the table he sent the other hovering over to the bar, where Geoff stood, as he pulled his hood up over his head and closed his eyes. "[b] Usual Geoff my friend [/b]" [hider=Mirai] [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/116/8/3/elven_path_elf_mage_colored__by_nemeruis-d62jlkl.jpg[/img] [/hider] [@SimplyJohn]