A lute playing very strange fast paced tunes grew louder and closer to the front door. Suddenly the door was kicked open relieving a young man making unsavory faces while stringing his lute madly. Caught up in the moment, the young man played three more dramatic chords before screaming with wide eyes, "Who is ready to ROCK!?" [hider=The Rocking Minstrel] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSaDqyZGKhAANEOtCMqrjZ6OjFdWkTbhssB8n0Z1iVInuoy599_6A[/img] [/hider] Only seeing the half orc bartender and the barmaid going about their business, he let out a deep sigh. If he couldn't play this new music for a large crowd, he didn't want to do it at all. It had came to him in a dream, and he somehow knew that it would revolutionize the musical world one day, but not today it seemed. So he adjusted his lute to rest upon his back and sullenly walked his way over to the main bar, searching for lubrication.