[center][h1][b]Henry Olin[/b][/h1] [hr] [@Maxx] [@He Who Walks Behind][/center] [hr] Henry stood up just as another person entered the room. Some man looking for Tobias. Another question he had no answer to. Now he wished he hadn't made Sarah leave. [b]"Oh, uh, I'm actually not sure where exactly he is right now,"[/b] Henry said, standing back up to his full height with Selena's help. [b]"But, he did say he's going to speak with the Headmaster. His lad assistant, Sarah, should be around here somewhere.[/b]", he finished, then turned his attention to his own deputy. [b]"Hey, hey, Selena, I think you might have some brown on your nose."[/b] Henry replied to the shedding/weight loss comment. He looked to the newcomer. [b]"I apologize, but you must excuse us, we have some pressing matters to attend to for now."[/b] he said curtly, nodding to the man in premature thanks. He followed Selena our the door following closely behind her and listening to her talk. Upon being questioned regarding their durability, he finally spoke up. [b]"Thank you for the compliment, I think?"[b] he said, first, before continuing. "[b]Well, you saw the pictures of the creature itself. Looks like something straight our of Alien Vs. Predator."[/b], he commented. [b]"I don't know first hand how tough they are, but enough so to take on several meta humans and still hold a distinctive advantage. From when I've gathered it's very intelligent and clever, as if it knows what it's doing. This could be more than an attack. This could be a form of... twisted homicide for all we know."[b] he said, stopping for a moment at the same time Selena did, almost as if they were in sync, as a young girl ran past them. When she was gone, he resumed. [b]"The pictures we had were of one that was killed after killing several other students. When I went to do an autopsy, the creature's body was gone. Blackmore said that there's no way it's still alive so if he's right, we're dealing with someone who disposed of the body. We're working against a currently unknown force with an unknown amount of manpower."[/b] he said, taking a breath. [b]"Meaning we could be dealing with a Roach."[/b] A Roach, in NEST, was a term for an unknown person who had knowledge of the situation and was actively hindering forensic progress. A pest, and a problem that needed to be exterminated or eliminated. Roaches often covered their tracks and were hard to find. Once a roach's identity was found, they became a Rat. Henry rumbled in response to Selena's thanks as he opened her door for her. As he unpacked, he continued their banter. [b]"Please, Selena, I wouldn't be here if I didn't have ass kicking clearance. I'll be baby-sitting you in the woods at night. Don't you worry."[/b] Henry said, winking at her and crossing his arms, leaning against the doorway. The walls groaned against his weight and Henry scrambled back to avoid causing damage. His previous comment had raised another question though. "[b]How long until... that time of the month?"[/b] He questioned, tapping his toe claw on the floor. He quickly caught himself though, and tried to cover himself and proceeded to trip over his own words a few times. [b]"Not-not [i]that[/i] time, I mean the moon. I need to know when you're at biggest risk for... becoming something out of a Twilight novel. I know the moon and stuff influences that, right?"[/b] he questioned, walking over to her to look at her small armory. He whistled. [b]"Damn girl, I only have an elephant gun and my suit's goodies. I have a spare vest in my room I'll have to you by tonight. Just show the school's security team your NEST badge. They can't deny you anything."[/b] he said, his scaly lips curling upwards into a crocodile smile. [b]"The only attack we've have so far has been at night with no day sightings, so we can only assume these things are nocturnal.[/b]" Henry stated. [b]"We can set some traps as soon as you're ready before the sun sets. But tonight, our first hunt is on."[/b]