Birdseed observed all that was going on. [color=F26EFB][i]Distraction... Sexually attractive... Seductive... Things I haven't done or been in a long time. I'm sure I can pull off being bait for the guard's attention, and my words could woo her, but I'm not much to look at. Just a swimmer in a one piece set...[/i][/color] Looking over at Condor, Birdseed was almost in envy of how much her partner in distraction had to show off. By the time they were in the car, Birdseed had gotten over her thoughts of body image. When Kheshig mentioned things going south, Birdseed chirped in, with no particular emotion invested in her sentence. [color=F26EFB]"A well timed kiss could cover up your escape from the electrical room. And get us her number. Plus, I have a few... tricks in my purse if we need and escape."[/color] Holding up one of her smoke bombs and a tazer grenade, Birdseed smiles at Condor. [color=F26EFB]"I got us covered if we can't get out quietly."[/color] Birdseed decided to go through Kheshigs' bag to see what goodies he's packed. Seeing all the variety and useful items, she drops in a helpful item: a [i]very[/i] universal remote. It was wired to be used on cameras. They can be pointed at a camera and used to pause, rewind, and the like to that camera.