As she stepped out of the car sarah reached up for her earbud, giving it a quick tap before simply saying, [color=7ea7d8]"Condor, in flight with 'Seed."[/color] The burst transmission should be enough to let Angelo know what was happening, and unless anything untoward happened Condor doubted she'd need to use the radio against until arranging their pickup after the mission. Looking over at Birdseed Condor smiled warmly. [color=7ea7d8]"This would've been a lot easier if I could've gotten some of Patch's 'social lubricant' from him before heading out. I've been out on the town with him a few times and those drops of his has most girls eating out of his hand in seconds. We might have to sit him down and discuss his drinking at some point if he keeps slacking off like this before a mission."[/color] As she talked Condor pulled her purse up onto her shoulder and turned to face the direction of the flower shop. They were still quite a distance away, but not so far that it would cause them a problem and with the clouds thinning overhead it looked like a pleasant day for a casual stroll. [color=7ea7d8]"Shall we?"[/color] She asked, turning to look over at her partner in crime as she felt butterflies swarming in her belly. The idea of having to fake a relationship with another woman was making her anxious, but she kept her poker face steady, hoping Birdseed would see only the cool confidence Condor always tried to portray.