[b]Ennedi System IRN Sugou-na[/b] Captain Pyon stared at the ships as the order to back down was recived. At anyrate, he was glad he wouldn't have to go shooting off the guns of the Sugou-na. Gods know what the captain of the Faithful would do if he was to find out Pyon was shooting guns off without expressed permission. Either he would be court marshaled or he would be spending the night alone with Dr. Hido in an airlock. Both were equally fear inducing. Pyon trotted back and forth on the bridge, the rest of the crew eagerly waiting for what might occur. Comms with the Faithful wasn't working for some reason. The young captain had a rock in his stomach as he feared the worse might have happened. The Captain of the Faithful wasn't new like him, he was well-seasoned (although maybe a bit overcooked). He sucked in his breath as this tail stopped waving about, "Crew, keep guns on the ship, prepare to engage if needed." [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [b]IRN Faithful[/b] There was an airlock with Dr. Hido's name on it. Through some bout of incredible engineering and probably some black magic, the doctor managed to transform the ship's comm system into a giant industrial toaster oven with nothing but a car mechanic's tool box and music player. "H-h-h-h-how?" the Captain stared at the contraption that sat in his bridge, mocking him with a tiny [i]ding[/i]. Dr. Hido opened the oven and took out a Yupperwear jar containing his lunch. "Want a bit?" Dr. Hido held it out as he took a bit. [hr] [b]Gaishai Orbit IRN Mondragon-Class Heavy Frigate "Heart of Glory"[/b] “And then her sister walks in!” Captain Naroi promptly began to laugh his tail off at the Orbital Defense Anchor’s joke, “Have anymore Kari?” “Yeah, I have some on in a folder somewhere, gimme a second to find them” Kari searched her folders before she suddenly started to panic, “Holy hell, Naroi! Problem!” “What is it?” Captian Naroi’s tone changed to more serious with a hint of worry, “Astroid? Enemies? Robots? Should I have invested in water taps?” Kari stared at the captain through her screen, she heard stories that IRN captains tend to invest in weird things but didn’t think her drinking buddy would be one of them, “Erm… No, we have something big coming up on the scans.” “Well, what is it?” Naroi’s tone got more urgent, “I really need to know if my movie poster investment was worth it!” “Well… you could try to make a movie out of this-” “MOVIE. POSTERS. NOT MOVIES!” Naroi half scremed at his buddy through the mic. “Chill you tail Naroi, this is serious.” “AND I’M SERIOUS TOO!” Kari stared at the captain in half disbelief, half unamusement, “Are you going to shoot at it?” “Hell no, the Emperor would have my corpse displayed in public if I did. Get me an xeno-diplo team up here and send them over. I’ll have the the [i]Youxia[/i] provide escort." "Alright, a xendips are in route, they're five minutes out. Youxia has been contacted to, they'll meet them there. Imperial Senate and his Holiness have been notified." Kari swiped some symbols on her screen to contact the approperate people, "Also, you should have invested in stuff animals." [@Queen Raidne] [hr] [b]Ralthar Orbit International Station, Embassy Section Room 26[/b] Taida Kaiyashi was in his sharpest cloths and friendliest smile watching the huge aliens walk out of the room. He leaned to his assistance and asked, "Do they have anything of remote use to the Emperor?" "Technology wise they don't have anything of major use, all outdated or child's play to us." the assistant whispered back, "Their military designs are most interesting but we have yet to establish a worth for them. Planetary resources seem like the most viable thing for us to ask for." Taida sat back and looked around the room, it was like the Imperial palace back on in scale, although the huge size of it actually had a use unlike the decorative rooms of the palace. He recalled how he wanted to be a teacher earlier. Being a diplomat could be like teaching his people of a new race so it wasn't to different in his mind. He stripped of his jacket and got up and bowed to the empty room, "It is time we have returned to our own ship. Send them a message that we'll accept the trade agreement but will be holding off on the technology exchange." "Yes it is sir." his assistant followed him out the room back to his ship. [center]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/center] [b]International Station Standart Hangar 01[/b] Captain Otome stomped over to the giant Harthal who was checking out her ship. Her crew was yelling at her from behind to put on a jacket as she walked half naked into the hangar, not caring about the amount of eyes aimed at her figure, "You! big guy! What the hell are you do to my Zhongy?!" The crew stared at her from the back. "Zhongy?" they all said in disbelief. They knew there captain wasn't the most level-headed of people (espically since she was trying to engage in a shouting match with someone noticeable taller than her), but Zhongy was something new. "Who the hell gave you the permission to take notes on my ship?! Do you see me trying to write down what you do in bed?!" Otome ranted at the Harthal. "E-E-Excuse our captain! She's unique..." Shenshi and some of the stronger crew piled on top of her to prevent her from trying to start a fight with the being. After some clawing and punching, someone managed to grab Captain Otome's tail and pulled it. She moaned loudly as her strength drained. Four guys came over and carried her on to the Zhongzhu as the rest of the crew followed. Shenshi apologetically bowed, "I am sorry our captain is so strange. Please excuse her rudeness. Also, please do not try that technique on any others of our species, it only works on her." [@Murtox]