[i][color=f6989d]Mary-Jo[/color][/i] - [u]Welcome to the Major Leagues[/u] - The Supermarket in Walker, LA - [@ xcalx1dw][@ Kirah][@ McHaggis][@ OutlawedPanda] There are many motivations that drive people forward in this world, one in particular considering recent times was horribly ironic. It was [i]hunger[/i]. Those who were still living needed food, and those who were living were food for the Banjo-Bait. It was an endless circle, in-between running away from odds too overwhelming or headlong into odds too favorable to grab a bite to eat so that she might be able to keep putting one foot in front of the other. With the ping of a Baseball bat against a skull, things tended to work out favorably for the cowgirl, and more often than not such a ping often was en-route to the next bite. Whether the bite was coming for her or her going for a snack was another matter entirely. What did matter though is that through the overgrown foliage as she trudged through it she came upon a golden opportunity. God, though He seemed to have abandoned her in the madness that had consumed the new battleground between Heaven and Hell, He certainly gave her chances to keep moving. Maybe there was still a chance for redemption after the rapture in His eyes after all! Before her came unveiled a Grocery store between the leaves of green and the bounty within it was likely still at least there for a partial amount. It was quiet, which was both reassuring and unsettling, less for the scattered Banjo-Bait that hadn't seen her yet. Whispers were on the air, muffled voices there distant and upon the rooftop she cold see movement that was a bit too sensible and fluid for a Banjo-Bait. May as well announce her presence to those that still might actually be livin', she would appreciate that kind of courtesy so she was sure that they would too. So she leaned her Bat against her thigh, swung her Banjo about her shoulders so that it was in front of her, and she played a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uzae_SqbmDE]little tune[/url]. [i][color=f6989d]Ah. That got th' banjo-bait's attention.[/color][/i] Beyond any doubt, it certainly did. In utterly eerie unison, the duet of zombies turned their ragged and rotting heads in her direction, and began stumbling with as much haste as they could muster in the Wal-Mart cashier's direction. Her response however was simple, almost nonchalant, as if this were simply a matter of everyday business. She slowly and carefully slung her Banjo back over her shoulder, plucked up her bat and twirled it once between her fingertips akin to how a Gladiator would wield a Gladius in Ancient Rome. With calm and steady practice, she settled into a baseball batter's stance that would have made a MLB Pro proud. Pointing towards the edge of an imaginary stadium first in a fashion that would've made Babe Ruth proud; she waited until it came too close, and she stepped into it and swung with the fullest of her ability and caught the first Banjo-Bait square in the lower jaw. With a satisfying [i]ping[/i] her bat made when it had a good, solid contact, the Zombie went horizontal before crashing to the ground. Gracefully she maintained the bat's velocity and brought it down upon the skull of the second Banjo-Bait, causing it to stop moving quite abruptly and collapse into the asphalt as she stepped to the side to allow its fall. Though they twitched and seized, Mary-Jo stepped to the side of one's head and lowered her baseball bat like a Golf Club. Swinging it high and bringing it down to connect with the side of the zombie's temple. Bone, blood, and brain matter flew about in grotesque spatters and the spurs upon the back of her cowboy boots chimed whimsically as she stepped towards the second downed twitcher and repeated the same action. Using the clothes of the downed Banjo bait to wipe off her wonderfully solid metal baseball bat, Mary-Jo looked right up towards the roof with the bat resting on her shoulder. Taking the edge of her cowboy hat into her fingertips, she tipped it up slightly so that the rooftop likely onlookers would be able to see her eyes. [color=f6989d]"Hey now! Y'got any room and a bite a food y'all'd be willin' to share up there?"[/color] She paused for a second, having long forgotten parts of the supposed southern hospitality. [color=f6989d]"Please, if y'all'd be so kind."[/color]