[b]Cassie[/b] Cassie ducked as the X3 stood at the door, however the ninety year old teen soon disposed off it. She stood up again brushing herself down. [color=a36209]"If he doesn't appear to have red rock growth then he's either better or you've not dissected him yet. Both would be quite good."[/color] They reached the cells and saw the discarded X3 units, the youthful pensioner picked up on the fact it could lead to Ryan first. [color=a36209]"Yeah, but the question is do we want to follow the trail of broken parts. I mean surely they're going to be bringing in something-"[/color] As she said that the lights went out, except for a straight path. In the distance a door could be seen opening and something being thrown back. That something was Ryan. He landed nearby, trying to stand he stumbled a bit. [color=a36209]"Ryan!"[/color] She ran up to him, slowing slightly as she saw that the growth had spread. In fact his skin seemed to be... shattering in places revealing the transformation underneath. [color=a36209]"Ryan, you okay?"[/color] [color=a0410d]"Cass? Why are you here?"[/color] He looked around. [color=a0410d]"This isn't exactly the safest off places."[/color] He then noticed the other prisoner, though more importantly the man in the lab coat. Brushing Cassie aside he walked upto him and made a move to grab the man by his lab coat and lift him up.