[center]Viridiana Rose Juran[/center] The young woman had woken earlier that night after a short rest between lessons and her fitting for the gown she was to wear later tonight. It was a special night, for it was her first time in view of the public vampires where she would meet with the aristocratic families; and where they would try to gain the future queens favour by pretending to be her greatest ally at the soirée to be favoured by the current king and queen, the young woman’s parents. The young vampire hadn’t expected to attend any for at least three more years, but her parents’ sudden proclamation and presentation of the beautiful deep red gown had come on the wind when the Archantun sent word that they had a woman they wanted the children to meet. Her brother as well was attending as a surprise and there had been a large amount of excitement surrounding the event. She had washed as well, allowing one of their human servant to dry and brush her hair before her mother had come to help her into the dress that she was going to wear to the gathering of powerful vampires. It was a deep red, the colour of her own blood after she’d fed and fitted perfectly to her own body. An hour later she was brought from the main house toward the section where they held gatherings, the large room already holding a fair amount of vampires when she walked in with both of her brothers, one of either side of her. Her hair was held half up and in its natural curls and waves, with a set of two pins holding back part of her long, ravens feather hair. The pins were adored with bright red roses, fake of course, and her eyes shone a nervous blue though she was perfectly calm as they entered the room via the spiral staircase by the eastern wall. Vampires stopped and stared at them, though she knew that they were really just looking at her who they had not seen before and would be the most coveted woman of the vampire world just as her mother had been. She could smell humans in the room and vampires, the fire burning in the hearth on the other side of the room tended by two of their human servant – under the effects of her father’s compulsion n doubt – so that no vampire would have to get so close as to possibly injure them. Shoulders back chin up, and a smile on her lips she looked out over the ground of vampires, calm and cool as she stepped down the stairs. She could see the table with food on it against the south wall, directly across from the door that which the vampires would have entered through, the balconies above them accessible by a staircase behind a smaller door on the eastern wall while the western remained blank. The railings of the spiral staircase were white painted wood while the steps themselves were a soft stained maple wood that still gave off the faint fragrance of maple syrup. From the ceiling hung a chandelier stacked with twenty candles, all flickering and casting their light throughout the room in a soft glow that wouldn’t hurt the sensitive eyes of the vampires who had traveled far to come to this party. The floor was hardwood, perfect for dancing on and freshly redone for this specific soiree, to present the girl to the crowd on her ninety-seventh birthday.