[@User] [color=lightgray][i]"Thats two for the bottle, one for keeping it pristine and another for not breaking the wax seal"[/i][/color] Geoff nodded politely to the old man and smiled as her took the offered gold. He didn't have the heart to tell the man that the only reason the bottle was intact was that after his armies had sacked the city and gorged themselves in the pantries and wine cellars of the courts this had been the only bottle left out of thousands which had originally been held. And no matter how sweet the wine, after the hundredth bottle Geoff hadn't the appetite for another drop of the stuff. And as for goliath blood, Geoff always preferred his served freshly squeezed, complete with the pulp. [@MonstrousMan] Turning his attention to the scrap of paper Imglush had handed him Geoff stared incomprehensibly at the crute marks, at first thinking the beast had used the parchment to blow his nose with, or performed some other bodily function. As he turned the paper this way and that he finally started to make out things which, when viewed through squinted eyes and held up at an angle, might just be considered to be letters, but even with that realisation Geoff had no idea what the message was supposed to say.