So... the turn order is... Backstabs (17 INI) Zombies (14 INI) Trey (13 INI) Deravan (11 INI) R'lyeh (10 INI) Dorisma (7 INI) Robert (6 INI) I will be editing my post regarding the zombies' and Backstabs' attacks. Yikes... well, that luck is a cruel mistress. Backstab's hit roll: 8 + 6 (from AGI) Zombie's dodge roll: 16 + 1 (From LUCK) And then... Zombie's hit roll: FRIGGIN' 20! My dodge roll: 6... -_-' Damage roll: N/A Damage dealt: 14 NOTE: From my character's previous chest injury, my max HP has been reduced to 13, so, I'm at -1, rather than 1, at the moment.