[h3]Lady Lobo[/h3]Glancing over Flood's shoulder the SHIELD crafts were getting away. She didn't have time for this, why was she standing here talking? "[color=lightblue]It's a complicated story. Could you just...[/color]" The young man continued and his reference to what some would consider good looking. The thought alone sent shivers down her spine. "[color=lightblue]Eew, no. I can barely stand having flesh and bones as is. I miss my beautiful exoskeleton.[/color]" What she was talking about was hard to tell. She seemed rather scatterbrained like Flood was in the past. And of course she was strong. Did he know nothing of Czarnians? Perhaps not. Something seemed to click after he asked what they were doing. Shifting her stance she jumped clear over him by several yards. "[color=lightblue]Sorry, but I really do have to get those samples.[/color]" In another single leap it looked like she was going to make it to one of the transports before a gust of wind suddenly pushed her down. "[color=lightblue]Frag![/color]" Crashing into the ground she picked herself up like it was nothing and took a look around. Estella was there, not about to let a crazy woman get away no matter what. However her alien origin drew the interest of Lady Lobo. She had a vast knowledge of extraterrestrial species and she knew a rarity when she saw one. She suddenly was very excited. "[color=lightblue]Oh oh! I can't believe it. A Suteruraruian right here in front of me! Earth is great.[/color]" Reaching she removed one of the bullet shaped items wrapped around her. The end opened up which revealed what looked like a needle. [h3]Estella[/h3]When the gray skinned woman made an attempt to escape Estella had used her ability to manipulate the air to ground Lady early. Smirking a bit it looked like this would be an easy task to keep her busy. Little did she know. Her opponent was weird but mentioned her race. How the hell did she know about Suteruraru? Before she could really ask she noticed the needle. Who was this anyway? Apparently on a mission now Lady Lobo closed the gap between them with surprising speed. Another blast of air gave her room to dodge as the Czarnian tried to get close enough to stab her. "[color=lightsalmon]Damn she's fast. Who the hell are you any... anyway.[/color]" Barely dodging another strike her attacker seemed unhinged to say the least. Raising a hand Estella gave her a face full of fire. [@floodtalon] [hr][h3]June[/h3]"[color=green]A lessened sentence. As I understand you're going to be here a while. Most people would rather to out. Consider it parole.[/color]" She kind of wondered if he'd read everything on the page. But he seemed to have a rather disinterested expression and tone. This guy was a hard read. It was not a trait she particularly enjoyed. But it wasn't her call who was on the list. [@Eviledd1984]