[img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSaDqyZGKhAANEOtCMqrjZ6OjFdWkTbhssB8n0Z1iVInuoy599_6A[/img] [b]Name:[/b] (Unknown) [b]Race:[/b] Immortal [b]Class:[/b] Wanderer [b]Alignment:[/b] Good [b]Bio:[/b] This magical young man only knows of his own past through the stories of others. It is said that he was found as an infant in the woodlands by an old hermit. That man raised this child as his own. It is said that the boy's talent for music and art was discovered at such an early age that the old man would take the child into the nearest village to play for money on the road side. It was an enchanting site to see a toddler who could play the lute with as much skill as any noble troubadour. Eventually, the king took the toddler away from the hermit to raise within the castle walls. Rumors say that the boy's name was known all across the kingdom until one strange day, just after he turned approximately thirteen years of age. The whole kingdom was in attendance for the marrying of the king's daughter to a noble from another kingdom. At the end of the ceremony, the boy was to perform, but he was feeling particularly moody this day, perhaps because he felt love for the princess. Either way, he did not wish to perform. But the king was not pleased to hear this and forced him to play. It is said that the song he chose to play had a terribly dark tune, so dark that it penetrated the minds of everyone in the kingdom, even those not close enough to hear. Aside from a few magical folk, the memories of everyone in the kingdom were wiped clean of the last ten years. The ability to speak and the knowledge of skills were kept, but all other information was lost. Even the boy himself lost all memory of these years. This memory loss ruined the marriage and threw the kingdom in disarray for many weeks until enough written records were dug up to piece together the last ten years. With that and the testimony of less effected magi, the king came to the decision to send the boy into exile for fear of a similar incident occurring in the future. The exile was done with such haste that the king didn't even bother to tell the boy the name they found in the records, the name that was presumably his. After his exile, all records of the boy was burned and all forms of musical entertainment were outlawed. To this day, the kingdom has grown to be known as "The Land That Never Dances". On his own, the boy wandered the surrounding kingdoms, playing melodies. Along the way, he pieced together his past from others that heard the rumors of his former kingdom. Living in the savage wilds, the boy also learnt of another mystery surrounding himself. While he could feel pain and pleasure of the skin, any damage to his body would heal with a good night's rest. Even mortal wounds disappeared after regaining consciousness. He also realized that he only ate to satisfy his tastes. He found this out after going five days without seeing a town. All the while he worried that he would starve, only to realize that he never felt the thing described as famine. Puzzled about his immortal condition, the boy wandered with a new purpose, to learn about origins. While his many adventures have done nothing to reveal these origins, they have revealed further depth into his magical abilities. In short, with the playing of an instrument or the singing of a note, he can cast spells to effect the minds of others. He can manipulate their will, erase their memories, implant false memories, or any number of tricks. Only those with a strong connection to magic can resist his manipulation. [b]Favorite Drink:[/b] He has grown fond of dark ale.