[@Stale Pizza] [@Eklispe] [@Animus] [@Little_ninja] [color=yellow]"[i]...Ie-ie, tomdemonai desu.[/i] (No, no, it's nothing.) Getting families should be the duty of every player if possible,"[/color] said the girl who was with Hanako, and she gave a slight bow. A small alert appeared in front of Ojiisan, saying ... [b][center]Aero invites you to join their party. o x[/center][/b] [color=00FF21]"Who is this Aero person?,"[/color] Ojiisan thought aloud. After Ojiisan found out who it was, he would accept it. [color=yellow]"Anyway...I am Nagayama Masae. Sorry to ask, but what are the names of you two, Yuki and Ojii-san?"[/color] said Masae. [color=00FF21]"My name is Akita Mashai,"[/color] replied Ojiisan. [color=thistle]"Watashi wa Yukizawa Hanawaauakou (I am Yukizawa Hanako)"[/color] said his granddaughter, yawning while introducing herself. [color=thistle]"Ojiiiiiiiii-sawawn, where are we going to sleep?"[/color] she yawned again turning to Ojiisan. Ojiisan picked up Hanako and said, [color=00FF21]"There is a inn near here where we can sleep."[/color] Ojiisan picked up some knowledge on quite a few things about this game while searching for Hanako. Ojiisan started walking in the direction of the inn. [color=00FF21]"Come on."[/color] said Ojiisan to the three kids.