I have no idea what just happened. :( But. Lemme write something here, then. Mod post on its way. Edit: some notes for my reference and maybe yours! Simon is only wearing a pair of trousers and a heavy black metal necklace. Quite banged up and quite dirty, and unable to see much now that MC has his glasses. He carries a bright blue frog and the fox mask. Talan is camoflaged in drying mud and is (probably) still wearing bits of monkeybat corpses. He carries a wooden spear, a dead rabbit, and the wolf mask. There's an iron pirate pendant around his neck. Talan's campfire burns within sight of the inn. The inn (and everything in it) is an exact replica of the one Robin grew up in. Robin is still soaking wet. She has eaten in the inn, but has heeded MC's warning and has come out again, leaving the violet lantern on the table inside. Anise is currently inside the inn after having eaten half of Robin's abandoned food, and is crying. She is, in fact, not wet at all, but rather dirty and scraped from being dragged through the weeds. MC is at the doorway, holding the green lantern. She has a white flower behind her ear and is not wearing a shirt except for her bra, from which Simon's glasses are hanging. She knows stories of what happens when you eat mysterious food in the forest. So with that, we have two groups. Onward!