[b]Name[/b]: [i]William Straterginagflayeus Tersaviliman Gaius Jessica Muldran Jr. the Fourth[/i] (He goes with William Muldran in public) [b]Age[/b]: 34 [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: Short, with a mustache and scraggly beard, almost like a dwarf from LOTR, although he will give you a solid punch in the gut if you call him that and he knows about it. He tends to wear clothes a little too big for him. [b]Personality[/b]: Dedicated; maybe a little too dedicated. He savors the idea of a new, never-done-before plan; even if someone a little more normal would see obvious logical flaws that would make it impossible. His ideas are the headaches of many, if nothing else. he is easily offended and gets angry quite easily, sometimes launching into tirades of yelling nonsense if he is too worked up. He rarely works with others, and so has a small, tight-knit crew; usually people a little more level headed than himself [b]Abilities[/b] -"The Cannonball": A kick to the gut by someone who knows how to make it hurt can last for a few hours. This guy can put someone not careful into the hospital for a week, and after that... pain... after charging into the victim screaming bloody murder and delivering a buckton of other punches combined with a rant about whatever set him off. -Security Checking: Might want to be careful when trying to sneak into this guy's lair - he tends to check that one spot you had scouted out for weeks that would make the perfect loophole at the wrong moments that you weren't checking it. [b]Skills[/b]: -Dirty, Ruthless Fighting: You piss this guy off, prepare to start running, because when he catches up there's typically nothing left to testify to his rage. He has gotten by capture, sometimes simply because he cannonballed into thugs sent after him. -Attentiveness: Always watching things... security is a must and he can notice double-meanings quickly. If someone is trying to insult him in the least obvious way, that could result in ability #2 becoming ability #1. -"Big Guns": This guy can work wonders if you set him up with a bazooka or something quite explosive in that line of thought. -Creativity: Although his ides don't always work, he can find ways of mashing the most completely unrelated things into one, barely functional but still effective plan. [hider=William's Fine Bakery] Lair [i]Ground Floor[/i] - A slightly cramped combination of a room containing various snaking tables, a kitchen from which delicious smells come, a storage room, and an innocent looking door. [i]Basement 1[/i] - Remember that innocent door? Yeah, that's his private room for the most part. Filled with tinkerings and the workings of a complete nerd. Anyone coming into this area without his permission tends to get hit with his "Cannonball" way of taking people down. [i]The Training Center and Camera Center (Basement level 2)[/i]: William tends to be less than appreciative of new faces, so he made this room instead to get his men up to future standards. On the side is a small, almost bunker-like room where all the cameras feed into, providing complete security over the top floor, right outside the building, a view of both sides of the street, and a less-than-innocent view into a certain hotel room that he checks every evening. What's life without an emergency exit? [b]Minions[/b] [b]Bob the Thug[/b]: Honestly, security is best managed by William, but for simple jobs sometimes the Thug is sent out to do things William is too bored to do. Nobody really knows his name and he isn't exactly a bright tool in the shed, so he was given the nickname "Bob". He's actually friendly, especially when he sees a very "pretty person" as he calls them, which can distract him from the task at hand. Still, he is good for smashing the rare person who walks into the Bakery with an attitude. Considered to have almost no hope, as he lives with his grandmother at the age of 48. He's on duty when the shop opens until it closes, although some special instances may have him on for a little longer... [i]Thomas Bekker[/i]: An aged workman who can fix things fairly well, manage affairs of the public and private side of things by day, and whip up some killer bakery items. He is fairly innocent and less than ambitious, but having worked with William for a good 30 years, he's the best man William has trust wise. He's the oldest in the crew at the grand age of 71. Not much place for this guy to advance either. [i]Nicole Minstdiff[/i]: Previous options haven't worked when it comes to plots to being an evil mastermind. This person is the one who makes operations tick, and the one who makes things work on the security end and the evil mastermind end. She shares the aspirations of going further than a simple bakery employee. She's also quite young, at the age of 27, and has plenty of opportunities to advance. She's held of the advances of "Bob" (who she doesn't like at all) while trying to win the heart of the completely oblivious William. She's good friends with Thomas. [/hider]