[@czechmate46] With both him and Petra pushing on the door the corpse was pushed out of the way. Hunter shut the door soon after, he wasn't ready to run out into a fight just yet. But it was time to get ready. Hunter turned and faced Petra. "You know how to shoot a handgun? It's a lot harder then a rifle or shotgun but I don't have much else to spare." Hunter figured he could trust this person for now, plus there was only 6 bullets in the gun, and 8 in the shotgun, if the person was smart they would wait until they were back at his camp for his supplies. "We are going to have to run pretty fast. We should be able to avoid most the infected as long as we are fast and quiet. If not only shoot if you have too, If you run and shoot you will miss and waste you bullet, you have only 6 shots and I don't have spares. SO be smart, once inside the Pharmacy we can lock the door behind us or barricade it then secure the main room. We may not find much but even something for my migraine would be nice." He went to the door to get an idea of the situation.