The man chuckled a bit. "While I'm sure I could manage if I wanted to, I'm more here for a research aspect. I want to learn about the keys. Maybe show them off and keep them safe." He seemed to be telling the truth, but Iggy wasn't sold on it. "Maybe I'd show off the fact that I have them. But I wouldn't be starting a guild any time soon." He laughed a bit. Iggy chuckled a bit. "I guess I can see that." He said as he wrapped his arm around Mimi and covered her mouth. She might get mad or bite him, but he had an idea. Putting the keys somewhere safe was a good plan. SO they should get them, but depending on the man's intentions they shouldn't give them to him. But he wouldn't show his true intentions. Not so early. And if they continued he may just cancel the job and find others to handle it. "That's good. Now as I said..." "Yeah yeah, I get it. We're following. Food, plan and off we go. That oughta be a good set up." Iggy cut off their client as he pulled Mimi along. "Luka, Torie. Come along. We don't have time to waste." His other hand was currently petting Karn. "And you. Just, keep an eye out for me." He added the last part in a whisper. It seemed as though both sides would be holding their own motives and ideas on the mission to themselves.