Having stabled his horse at his residence, Wel'Chi had taken to he skies as he often did, circling the forest and Solomon. Everything looked different from above. things were stirring in this town. The spirits were restless and thus it made The shifter restless as well. He landed on the branch of a tree towering over the outskirts of Solomon for a moment to rest his wings watchful eyes passing over the streets bellow. Dustin had been left to tackle the dead bodies alone so typical of this town. the rest of the folks would be the first to complain at the sight of the gore, but the last to lend their services to the actual clean up. Well he couldn't very well leave her tot he clean up alone so he let out a cry as he flew out of town, circling back into the forest so it would be less likely for someone to see him shifting forms again. The level of superstition was ridiculous within Solomon and this caused the Shifter to tread lightly in order to avoid upsetting the folks. A few minutes later he crossed the streets to help Dustin with he clean up. The gore didn't bother him for his eyes had seen so much during the years it was nothing to him. "Do you need a hand with this mess? he asked Dustin quietly. "I doubt any of these folks will be helping you."