"Yeah why don't you go tell your wow forum about that... Whatever wow is." Right now Blake wasn't a happy camper, the guy's arm flung out right at him, and hitting him dead on to were no male should ever be hit, but at the same time he was asking for it. Still though Blake was glad that one thing was for sure, someone else had unique abilities like him, but he didn't expect them to be used on him... especially for a purpose like that. [color=cyan][i][b]Still... worth it though... Uhhh, this isn't gonna feel good for the rest of the day... The pain![/b][/i][/color] he thought as he groveled in pain for a few moments. [b]"Still though, maybe using you words would do better,"[/b] he spoke as if his throat had been dehydrated in the heat for too long. He picked himself off the ground, again, standing up on one knee he slowly rose up back up and took in some deep breaths. [color=cyan][i][b]Ok... Maybe that wasn't worth it so much.[/b][/i][/color] As he stood back up he noticed that besides him and Tyler in the closet, he aw that there was a girl in the back who looked pretty nice. As he noticed there were now three people in the closest he opened his mouth to crack another joke, given the current situation, but he decied to let it go rather then risk another person targeting the family jewels. [color=cyan][i][b]Yeah, let's keep it friendly.[/b][/i][/color] [b]"So... I'm Blake... and you guys might be?"[/b]