Pinkerton agents? Now, if Mr. Polly didn't know any better it would almost seem like a nationally recognized investigative corporation had been contracted to keep HIM safe. Let me say that again, somebody on God's green earth wanted him to be the [i]opposite[/i] of dead without Manny knowingly doing anything on his part to ensure it. There must be some great genius- or fool- that believed in Mr. Polly's new enterprise, and who was Manny to disappoint such an expectant partner. He grinned, while this seemed far too good to be true, the fact that neither his father nor his old (known) associates were involved with this man consoled some of his apprehensions. Additionally the man seemed the honorable sort, at least not the type to stab Manny in his sleep, which means he would be a valuable asset (which may be deserted if the need arise.) "Well, Mr. Langley, if that's what you came here for be my guest- or guard, rather- and it's fortunate of you to be here for I believe I have something in mind to begin my little venture." He shifted about, the muck of human viscera had dampen the sandy earth beneath his shoes, "For now, why don't you get yourself a room drink at the [i]nice[/i] piss hole over there, I need you and your rifle bright and early tomorrow."