[b]Enned System, Sovereign[/b] "Everyone, jump!" With the shortest time possible to give out that rather important order, the second in command shouted into the comms. Why? Because Mayumi was once again rolling all over the floor the moment the Federation opened fire. [b]Enned System, Planetside[/b] The unit still on the planet rapidly boarded their ships, before thrusting out of the planet's gravity well, and back towards the assault carrier. [b]Enned System, Sovereign[/b] "4th! 4th! Do you copy?" Still yelling into the comms, the second-in-command frowned, as she received no response. From all evidence shown, it could be possible that the 4th wasn't here to assist the 7th. Granted, they probably weren't going to shoot at them either, but being simply bystanders was a frustrating thought.