[quote=@Noble_] What is the technology level for things like transportation, combat, and personal communication? How difficult is it to move from one level to another. IE. From canopy to ground and vice versa. I'm interested! [/quote] Transportation is usually done with your own two feet (due to the lack of space for cars), but for long trips across the city there are Vactrain systems in place that are much like the metro systems of today, but only really in the canopy, roof, and under city. Air transport is also used, and mainly consists of VTOL craft designed for tight spaces. Combat varies quite a bit, with your common Ground Level weapon would be very much like they are today (semi auto handguns for your normal thugs, shotguns, automatic rifles, etc). But with the police forces (and private security firms) of the canopy useing compact railgun designs, and compact gauss cannon tech for the mechs. But also encompassing anything in between. Communications are usually done with small hand held devices, or tiny earbud like devices. In the case of the small hand held devices, they are no bigger than our average credit card and are made of a clear material on which their semi transparent display is rendered. Other than that they are used very much like cell phones, video communications included. With the earbud version being simply like bluetooth, that can hook into augmentations in your eye to display information. Now moving from one level to another can be done a few ways. Using lifts that dot around the internal structures, and vary in size from small 4-5 person elevators to huge cargo lifts (the most common way), using the literal stairs (usually only done if your going up a level or two), the maintenance ladders around the outside of the Hab Towers (if your feeling a touch suicidal), or you could take a VTOL (if your rich). But in the case of going down its not that hard, push a button and your on your marry way. Going up however might require an id check and a lift scan at least (and maybe a check by an armed official depending on where you coming from). But really it depends on what level your going up to, and what method your using to ascend. Hope that helps and thanks for your interest!