Gin sat silently after whispering to the two leaders who he was there was no way he could back out now, he looked over the others. He spoke up through his helmet speakers after a few moments. "It would be best to tackle Empire propaganda and the gangs on there payroll, after all there's no way they could control the planet lower elements unless there supporting one of the criminal groups." Spoke the man as he leaned back slightly, hands lightly tapping the table. His voice came out calm and clear, a little robotic but that was probably the helmet. The strange thing was he didn't seem to even look at people when he spoke. Gin could sense the other's emotion's, no it was better to say he could see it. Nervousness seemed to dwell in all of them in someway on this matter, even in La. He decided he would investigate what he'd found and opened the little cube case he'd found in the temple before. He almost gasped at the sight of it as he quickly shut it and placed it back on his belt. A holocron, a Jedi holocron. These were almost impossible to find anymore and could teach hidden force powers or lightsaber techniques. He could study it later right now he should pay attention to the meeting still he was excited to see what lay within this piece of history.