[i]Auria[/i] Auria sighed and nodded to Lucian. "I'll tell her, you just go get cleaned up. You need to prove you've at least got some control over who you are." She told him as she went back and knocked on Mirabelle's door again before sitting down reading over her invite to Praetor little get together once more. She wondered about these other Vampires and this group old ancients he was asking to come together. He must truly fear Dracula or be hopeful that they can find a cure for Lucian and solve his problems. [i]Praetor[/i] Had finished arranging the house for guests and his spirits busied themselves cleaning and digging out relics from storage. Things he might need or could use should the time come, traveling the world he'd picked up quite a few interesting items. Some holy other's magical in nature, some possibly blessed by gods. He knew not only that they were of interest and that no doubt they could be useful to him in his search for a way to remove Dracula from Lucian. He'd free the boy if it killed him.