So, I feel bad that my character is similar to that of Tatsua’s, being that they’re both young women with demonic roots. I do feel that my character is diverse enough from their character to warrant both of their existence, but I do understand if you’d like me to change things. But right now it’s sooooooooo late and I have to work tomorrow, so I’m off to bed. [hider=Gwyneth “Alciel” Hawke][center][img][/img][/center] [u][b]Name: [/b][/u] Gwyneth “Alciel” Hawke [u][b]Age: [/b][/u] 15 [u][b]Sex: [/b][/u] Female [u][b]Personality: [/b][/u] The legends say that Alciel was a ruthless demon who spread chaos across the old world. Those legends would be lies fabricated by the very same foolhardy being of hell looking to make himself sound greater than he actually was. The greatest accomplishment of the perverted Alciel was the destruction of a single medieval village, as well as the fathering of dozens of demented half breeds. His fiendishly good looks worked wonders on human women, unfortunately that was his only real way of getting what he desired due to a lack in charisma. His overwhelming laziness ultimately led him to become Satan’s most disappointing demon. It was quite sad that in order for Alciel to improve, he had to be fused with a human infant. The amalgamation of unholy essence and a pure mortal vessel resulted in Alciel reverting to an infantile state, purging everything in his mind except for his innate lust to power. Neither demon nor human the new Alciel would grow into an astute academic, finding passion in modern day fields of technology, both digital and physical. But old habits die hard, and the pomp of modern American upper middle class living was able to bring back Alciel’s old ways. Although instead of hounding on the busty maidens, Alciel’s new form has taken a liking to the boys at George Bush High School, especially Damian Sanders from third period Physics… [u][b]Ability: [/b][/u] Soul Reaper- Alciel’s demonic origins allow her the chance to steal the souls of the dead before they ascend to heaven to be judged. An individual’s soul contains their very essence, and in the right hands can be probed for information. With the right tools the soul could be converted into raw energy to power devices far more efficiently than any normal fuel could. But Alciel does not have the right ways to accomplish these things at this time. Smells Like Teen Spirit- Being the social butterfly that she is, Alciel finds it easier to convince others in her age range to do what she wants. [u][b]Skills: [/b][/u] Ha-king!- Alciel has had the boon of both growing up in modern times and inhabiting the body of a child prodigy. Having spent many long nights on the computer has gained her a fantastic hacking skill. Alciel can access almost anything online as long as it has minimal protection. Moderate protection is harder to access and cover up, and she just can’t do advanced hacking work at her current skill level. Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto- Alciel is the head of the robotics club in her high school, and is a master in remote control automatons. Able to create basic robots to fulfil mundane tasks. Innocence Is Bliss- Nobody would ever suspect that a teenage girl could be behind an evil scheme. Unless there’s evidence, Alciel can play the innocence card. The Devil Wears Prada- Satan guides Alciel through her dreams, and has given her knowledge of the occult. [hider=The Hawke Residence] [u][b]Cash: [/b][/u] $0 [u][b]Lair: [/b][/u] Floor 1 – (The kids space- The Inner Sanctum) The second floor of the Hawke home contains Alciel’s inner sanctum, her bedroom. This floor also has the guest bedroom and the room of Alciel’s sister, along with another bathroom, a game room and a large balcony that faces the backyard. Ground Floor – (The family household, The Front) The Hawke family lives in a charming gated community in one of the more wealthy parts of the city. This little slice of suburbia is complete with a kitchen, two bathrooms, a dining room, a living area, and the master suite. Basement 1 – (Family Storage, Currently Unoccupied) The storage room for the Hawke family, not much goes on down here right now. [u][b]Minions: [/b][/u] Veronica Hawke, Goon- Veronica Hawke is the older sister of Gwen by two years. As an amateur rap artist, Veronica has gained the ire of her parents for being “improper” and “unsavory”. That’s all bullshit in the young blonde’s opinion. She’s just perusing an art that she has some legitimate talent in, and thus would rather perfect her craft than find a nice boy to settle down with like her parents want her to do. Trying to earn some brownie points with mom and dad, Veronica has decided to go along with her sister’s crazy plans. She’s very street savvy, and that weight lifting will most defiantly help if she can’t talk her way out of things. It’s also pretty well known around Bush High that Veronica sells pot. Lamar Williams, Technician- Lamar is the best friend of Veronica, who are both the same age and in the same grade. While the two may not have much in common at this point in their lives, they’ve known each other since the fourth grade, and so it would be blasphemous if they abandoned each other. Lamar is in the top of his class, earning straight A’s and being an all-around good kid. He could be considered one of the brains of this operation, and suspects that there’s more to Gwen than she currently leads on. Lamar is also a very talented driver, and will probably be the one taking everyone around the city. Daisuke Nakamora, Shadow- Daisuke is a mysterious young man from Japan that Alciel has hired for her plans. It is unknown why he came to America, but he’s willing to do what needs to be done to pay the bills. Speaking of, his front has him renting out the Hawke’s guest bedroom. He’s quite talented with the katana he carries around, which he claims to be a family heirloom. [u][b]Henchmen:[/b][/u] [hider=Mister Xeng, The Owl][b]Name[/b]: Mister Xeng [b]Age[/b]: ??? [b]Sex[/b]: Male? Little is known about Mister Xeng. He is a demon of standing and infamy, although no one can quite remember why. He talks very little and has a fondness for birds - even the non-demonic kind [b]Abilities[/b] [i]The Birds[/i] - In a fight spectral birds of all descriptions erupt forth from Xeng. These tear and peck at enemies, distracting and hurting them. [i]Birds Eye View[/i] - Xeng sees through the eyes of his avian friends as easily as he can see through his own. This gives him incredible vision, meaning Xeng counts as a Surveillance Room all on his own. [b]Weakness[/b] Outside of his Surveillance ability, Mister Xeng is only available for combat. He cannot work or infiltrate. [center][IMG][/IMG][/center][/hider] [/hider] [/hider]