[hider=Joshua] [center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Yata.Misaki.full.1456745.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Joshua Wilton Age: 17 Gender: Male Star Ranking/Goku Uniform: No Star Strengths: [Twenty-Twenty] Joshua has a perfect eyesight and as such doesn't need glasses. He doesn't need to worry about fuzzy things in the distance nor the fuzzy look of items close to him. His focus can be on very distant items and close items at the same time. [Eye on the Ball] Many years of playing baseball has taught Joshua the key skill of keeping track of the baseball. This means that he can watch a quickly moving object with ease and track its movements with ease. [Homerun] A baseball's team player is a player capable of hitting a Homerun with the bases loaded. This means that all players on the team are trained to be physically capable of hitting a Homerun. Due to this training, Joshua is physically stronger than your average person and can lift pretty close to two hundred pounds. Weaknesses: [Poor Balance] While having been trained to be physcially stronger, Joshua wasn't exactly trained to be an acrobat. His balance is poor and, if he puts too much in a swing, can fall flat on his face. He also isn't very good at running for a long time without falling on his face. [Wake up Lazy!] Joshua may be strong and intelligent but he is also lazy beyond all belief. It isn't rare to find him sleeping in the shade of a tree or in class. He also rarely does work that he is suppose to do or arrive on time for appointments. [Swing-n-Miss] Joshua isn't exactly the most accurate member or the Baseball team. As such, his hits are greatly outweighed by his strikes. He even occasionally misses a punch when he is less than two feet from a person and just whiffs past em. Favorite activity: Baseball Personality: Joshua is by far one of the most easy going and calm person you might ever find. He most definetly isn't one to get in a fight often but when he does he won't ever back out. His movements are always speady and meant to try and impress those around him. Joshua is indeed arogant even though much of said arogance is unfounded. Expecting Joshua to do something for you just cause you want him to do it is practically insane since he doesn't really do things for people unless he likes you. Biograpy/History: Joshua wasn't much of anything special when he was born. His mother was a middle class woman who ran a small bakery while his father repaired cars at his shop. Both his parents rarely had time for him so he was often left in the care of his Uncle Toby, a baseball player. Every Monday, Wensday, and Friday, Toby took Joshua to practices to watch him play baseball. Joshua was amazed as he sat there and watched the team practice everything from pitching to running the field. Once Joshua was eight years old, Toby allowed him to join in with the training, though not to the same standards everybody else had. Since then, Joshua was dedicated to training to play baseball. He would spend his free time pitching balls, running, and swining in the batting cages. Though he couldn't really hit all that often, Joshua could hit hard when he did. Nearly three out of five of hits he have made were home runs. As such, Joshua quickly was enlisted to his local baseball team as a home run hitter. Eventually he got into some trouble at school with another baseball player and ended up suspened from school. Because of his suspension, his parents decided to send him to the Berlin High to learn his lesson. At Berlin High, Joshua was just an upstart baseball player with a below average hitting rate but an above average home run rate. As such, Joshua became little more than a last resort due to him being more likely to miss than actually hit the ball. This turn of events led Joshua to improve his batting average through daily training sessions in both baseball practice and practice after the other students have left. His batting average went up from a 10:1 in favor of missing to a 5:1, still in favor of missing though. Unbeknownst to Joshua, he was being watched at his after hours practices by Director Kenta. The Director was impressed by Joshua's drive to improve himself and decided that if he really wanted to improve himself, he would have to go to Kyushu. But, Joshua could only go there if he was to help several other students take down the city. Joshua agreed to help them so long as he was capable of improving himself. [hr] Weapons: A simple Aluminum Baseball bat Items: A baseball mitt and baseball with his name signed on it. [/hider]