"You picked a bad ship." A male A.I voice spoke from within Scarlet's satchel bag that was hung over her shoulder. "Seems so." She sighed, the crew of the ship were bustling about as if they found themselves more threatening than any aggressor out there, her eyes glanced through a ship window and looked out to the stars and the vast darkness of space. "What in the hell is wrong with these people." She slammed her hand hard against the window then leaned her head softly against it. She thought of the person that went missing from the ship and wondered if perhaps he wanted to escape from this madness. "Artyem. That was his name, wasn't it?" She whispered to herself. "Who is that?" A.I answered her question without knowing it was rhetorical. "After we left The Rock, their was a crew member of this ship go missing, I wonder if this is why? the madness that consumes these people.. One minute it's love next it's madness." She huffed and just stared out of the window wondering if there was a possible way to contact that Artyem fellow.