As her console was rendered useless, Belle crossed her eyebrows, confused. [i]How could this have happened?[/i] She sits, thinking for a moment. [i]Have I done something wrong?[/i] She wonders. A moment later, and she couldn't think of any reasons. The captain had asked her to fix the engines... Yes, that was what happened. So, she came along, disabled one, and suddenly this. Belle shrugs, and stands up. She'd just have to turn them off directly from the engine room computer. Opening the door, she saw that Huzuni was standing there. "Oh, hi. Did you come to me for help with your terminal? Because my one just turned off, and I don't know why. I need to fix the engines, though, as per the captain's orders." Belle says, attempting to walk past Huzuni in a casual mood. To her, this was all normal, however the virus made it different.