[center][u][b]Greeneburg, Ohio. [/b][/u] Once home to 300,000 human souls, this industrial center in the heart of America died a slow and agonizing death in the 1980s. Now, barely half that many people are left living here. The number would've been lower if not for the gradual influx of supernaturals. Places like Detroit, Toledo and Greeneburg were recognized by Werewolves, vampires and sorcerers as prime stomping ground for their underground lives. While the humans fled to find work, the wolves and magicians moved in to set up packs, cabals and covens on land that could be bought for a song. Luna Carina, Alpha of the Greeneburg Werewolf Pack, decided she was tired with her life as a 5-9 security guard at an old steel mill, and with the consent of the pack, has opened up a new company where they can capitalize on their own unique supernatural talents. "Pack Security, Inc." has been around for a little over ten months and has started to become famous among the business leaders around town. Most of the clubs in high-crime areas want werewolves as bouncers, the posh side of town hires vampire security guards to watch over their estates, and a wizard can make good money doing more than just birthday party tricks. -----------------------------------------------------[/center] 1.) Players are employees of "Pack Security," a supernatural private security company specializing in bodyguard work in the fictional Midwest city of Greeneburg, USA. The firm started out as a werewolf only group (and may still be if the group wants it to stay that way) but the owner, Alpha wolf Luna Carina, has recently hired on a few magic users and bloodsuckers. 2.) The group's latest contract is to protect City Councilman Trey Gutierrez's daughter during a trade show. Some bigwigs from Silicon Valley are coming to scout out defunct offices for their firms. Trey's vote on the matter is the difference between billions of dollars coming into the city- or going overseas. Someone has tried to kidnap Trey's daughter once, and they will likely try again. The perpetrator is unknown as DNA evidence is still being analyzed, but they are likely supernatural in nature as well. 3.) Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to protect the Councilman's daughter from attack or kidnapping until the trade show is done and the deal is voted on. Sounds easy, right? Of course it won't be. Otherwise there wouldn't be an RP! [center]-----------------------------------------[/center] A few points: A.) The supernatural is revealed in this timeline, but not everyone is cool with their neighbor being a werewolf. Think the AIDS epidemic in the '80s. A lot of misinformation and a whole lot more distrust. B.) Magic is restricted to the plausible. If someone wants to roll up a wizard, you won't be slinging fireballs around for fun. However, if you want to give that loose brick over the bad guy's head just the barest nudge, sending it down onto his skull, that's perfectly kosher. C.) Werewolves, vampires and magicians will be "out of the closet" to the public. Anything outside these three groups is considered "underground" still. People idly speculate that other supernatural stuff exists, but nobody has any proof and with all the scrutiny being applied to the Big Three, they aren't in a hurry to be revealed. CS - Please post here in OOC until approved for posting in the CS tab! [hider=Final CS] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Sex:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Written or Picture, Real or Animu [b]Otherworld Race:[/b] (Wolf, Vampire, Witch/Wizard, Other) [If Other, please PM the GM with the DL on WTF you want to do] [b]Bio:[/b] 2-4 Paragraphs of who you are and how you joined Luna Carina's Pack Security. [b]Nemesis:[/b] Your character made an enemy some time ago. Whether or not they'll show up in this RP is anyone's guess, but who did they piss off and why? Can be an individual (I stole Jim Bob's car to evade capture) or an organization (The RIAA wants your head for pirating all that music...) [b]Audition:[/b] Please write an introductory post based off this prompt- Your character is just coming in after finishing a solo mission and is reporting to Luna Carina, head of Pack Security, about the job. Who or what did you protect, what went wrong during the mission, and how did you turn it around? [/hider]