I'm not really sure how to go about introducing myself. I'm currently twenty two years old and at the end of my college undergraduate career when the other night I accidentally typed in an old URL for a rping website that was created back in 2006 for a small group of friends. I had a dose of nostalgia and suddenly find myself with a lot of free time and a thirst for creative endeavors. I had my rping origins on the Runescape forums well over ten years ago. Starting there and going forward into the next couple of years I went under the internet name of Cubs4life13, or simply Cubs (if I find that anyone here actually recognizes me I'll probably lose my mind). I think the only other site I was active on that may be well known was Dark Rain, but other than that I'm more or less new to larger forums such as this. It might take me a moment to get used to the way things are done here, but I'm eager to relive the creative aspect of my life again.