[center][h1][color=0000cd]MEGAMAN[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][i][color=0000cd]~THE AGE OF X~[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [hr] [b]21XX, somewhere within the Moon Fortress Elysium...[/b] [center][img]http://static4.businessinsider.com/image/5411bceb6bb3f7343125dd37-1200/weve-seen-gorgeous-concept-art-for-gameplay-on-the-moon-in-destiny.jpg[/img][/center] Heavy footsteps echo through the half finished fortress as a mysterious reploid wearing heavy battle armor and a helmet that covers all of its face save for a T-shaped visor walk its hallways until reaching a throne room of sorts where another reploid, this one clad in blue armor over which a white cloak was drapped, waits for him. [color=598527][b]????:[/b] "Hahaha, look what do we have here... What can someone as mighty as you want with the likes of me?"[/color] [color=0072bc][b]????:[/b] "Cut your mockery, maverick. You already know what I want, so why are you still here?"[/color] [color=598527][b]????:[/b] "I'll see to it personally, but first... I need to be sure that the one on that throne is indeed you!"[/color] The warlike reploid then shot a barrage of powerful shots towards the blue one from his shoulder mounted autocannon. The blue reploid didn't even bothered to dodge, instead, the color of his armor changed to a much paler blue and a large block of ice appeared between him and the shots, blocking them completely. Then, he turned back to his normal color and raised his right arm, now turned into a cannon, towards the warlike reploid. [color=0072bc][b]????:[/b] "Is that enough for you, or do you want to remember how plasma tastes?"[/color] The sound of charging was the only thing heard in the chamber for a long while, before the warlike reploid turned his back towards the blue one nonchalantly. [color=598527][b]????:[/b] "Hahaha, I guess what they say is true. Either you die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain... Don't worry, I'm on your case."[/color] He then left Elysium towards Earth. [hr] [b]Maverick Hunters hangar...[/b] The reploids of the unit 777 of the Maverick Hunters are gathered in the hangar waiting for their commander to arrive. The tension is relatively high as most of them keep staring at the newest addition to their unit, a female hunter of all things... [b]Hunter A:[/b] "What Commander Signas has in mind? A reploid like her shouldn't leave the navigator pod. [b]Hunter B:[/b] "You're right pal, but at least you gotta admit that she's hot..." [b]Hunter A:[/b] "Can't deny that, but I bet 5k that she's going leak her hydraulic fluid as soon as the blast begin flying." Before the pair of unruly hunters could continue their not-so-discrete talk, the 777th unit sub-commander, Bonzai Leafrimmer arrived on scene and announced that the commander have finally arrived and ordered the two who had been talking to go get ready for their mission. [color=0054a6][b]????:[/b] "Now, now, Bonzai, there's no need to go bananas because of those two, they were just blowing some extra steam."[/color] The voice belonged to no one other than the units commander, in formally know as D. around the base. [color=0054a6][b]????:[/b] "Though, of course, I can't let someone berate one of my subordinates like this, even if they too are my subordinates, so you two are going to serve on the lab for a week after this, got it?"[/color] [b]Hunters A & B:[/b] Yes, sir! The commander them moved to the side of the new hunter, and quickly moved his right arm, wrapping it around Merro's shoulders. [color=0054a6][b]????:[/b] "Double that when the subordinate in question is this cute."[/color] He lowered his head until his mouth was at he same level as Merro's ears so that only her could hear his next words, a smirk formed on his lips, clearly he was finding the whole situation too damn good to be true. [color=0054a6][b]????:[/b] "Don't you think, Merro?"[/color] Moving to their shuttle he spoke in a rather more grandiose than needed voice. [color=0054a6][b]????:[/b] "Ok, hear me you bozos, our mission is to quell the rebellion around the XZ monument, when we get there we will rendezvous with a scout that's currently on scene and do whatever is necessary to succeed. But remember, no harming the civilians, that's not good for the paycheck."[/color] He then got into the shuttle while waving his buster in an exaggerate way. [center][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nfkst21fVvc/T5f4s3pwKLI/AAAAAAAAAqg/I40Ueyb1PM0/s1600/X5_dynamo.jpg[/img] [i]Maverick Hunter 777th Unit Commander: Dynamo[/i][/center] [hr] [b]F. City...[/b] [center][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ete6Tia9Z3I/VV9_opNBJLI/AAAAAAAAAb4/qDS_iGmpH2Q/s1600/Captura%2Bde%2Btela%2B2015-05-22%2B16.11.09.png[/img][/center] A scout wearing a camo coat watches as the shuttle of the 777th unit lands on a relatively safe area. He approaches the group as soon as he certifies himself of their identities and relays the needed information quickly. [color=0054a6][b]Commander D.:[/b] "Ok, people, your heard the man. We'll split in two groups of three members each, I'll go with these two guys, Bonzai, you lead the chick and the scout. Our meeting point is the XZ monuments. MOVE YOUR ASSES!"[/color] [hr] [b]OOC:[/b] Goddamnit! This post was enormous, now I'm tired. You're free to pst now, guys. .[@Lvl Down][@Sho Minazuki][@Nightrunner]